Thursday, April 15, 2010

NaPoWriMoApril 16

They Still Call it the Suburbs

This is how the days end in April

Sitting outside with birds flying like bullets

Children screaming like banshees

A phone rings and rings and isn’t picked up

And from inside the house the sound of a dryer

Turning over and over with something stuck inside

That rattles and rolls and tears at the evening

This is how the days end in April.

This is how the nights start in April

Heat retreating as fast as the light

Cats slithering along the fence line

Eyes fixed on distant prey

Dishes clink from inside kitchens

At least in some of the houses.

And later the shades fall against the night

To hide them that crave the dark pleasures

The kind that come with needles or bottles

As children put themselves to bed.
(c)2010 Noreen Braman

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