Thursday, March 24, 2011

Getting Ready for National Poetry Month 2011

Forsythia Window by Noreen Braman
April is approaching, and this April fool (born on the 7th) will once again be taking the National Poetry Month challenge to write a poem a day for the entire month. To start the creativity flowing, and also as a response to the snow we have been having for the past 2 days, here is a headstart poem.

March in New Jersey

One false spring warm day
undoes weeks of patient waiting
and joyful crocus reaching sunward
end up enrobed in snow.

One false spring warm day
encourages coatlessness
and barefoot garden explorations
gloveless hands caressing forsythia buds.

One false spring warm day
strengthens the almost-mute siren call
of ocean and sand and sun
until exhausted winter retreats.

(c)2011 Noreen Braman 

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